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                                WASDE - 652 - 17                  September 2024
                         U.S. Cotton Supply and Use  1/
                            2022/23   2023/24 Est.  2024/25 Proj.  2024/25 Proj.
Item                                                          Aug            Sep
                                               Million Acres
  Planted                     13.75          10.23          11.17          11.17
  Harvested                    7.29           6.44           8.63           8.63

Yield per Harvested
   Acre                         953            899            840            807

                                            Million 480 Pound Bales
Beginning Stocks               4.60           4.65           3.15           3.15
Production                    14.47          12.07          15.11          14.51
Imports                        0.00           0.00           0.01           0.01
  Supply, Total               19.07          16.72          18.27          17.67
Domestic Use                   2.05           1.85           1.90           1.90
Exports, Total                12.45          11.75          12.00          11.80
  Use, Total                  14.50          13.60          13.90          13.70
Unaccounted 2/                -0.08          -0.03          -0.14          -0.03
Ending Stocks                  4.65           3.15           4.50           4.00
Avg. Farm Price 3/             84.8           76.0           66.0           66.0

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